import zipfile dir = "C:\\Users\\LiangMaxwell\\Downloads\\backup\\" n = 0 s2 = "" defjieya(): i = "" for x inrange(10000): ss = i[:i.find(".")] print(i) password = ss zpf = zipfile.ZipFile(dir + ss + ".zip") list = zpf.namelist() for f inlist: zpf.extract(f, dir, password.encode('utf-8')) print(ss + " success " + str(f)) i = str(f) jieya()
Fifth Space <?php class Read { public function read(){ echo file_get_contents("flag.php"); } public function __invoke(){ $this->read(); } }
class Show{ public $source; public $fuck; public $str; public function __construct($file='index.php'){ $this->source = $file; echo 'Welcome to '.$this->source."<br>"; } public function __toString(){ return $this->str->source; }
public function __wakeup(){ if(preg_match("/gopher|http|file|ftp|https|dict|\.\./i", $this->source)) { echo "hacker"; $this->source = "index.php"; } } }
class Test{ public $p; public function __construct(){ $this->p = array(); }
public function __get($key){ $function = $this->p; return $function(); } }
class Show{ public $source; public $fuck; public $str; public function __construct($file='index.php'){ $this->source = $file; echo 'Welcome to '.$this->source."<br>"; } public function __toString(){ return $this->str->source; }
public function __wakeup(){ if(preg_match("/gopher|http|file|ftp|https|dict|\.\./i", $this->source)) { echo "hacker"; $this->source = "index.php"; } } }